Ocean Cleanup will clean the Pacific Ocean of trash. The idea was conceived by a 24-year-old

Ocean Cleanup will clean the Pacific Ocean of trash. The idea was conceived by a 24-year-old

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An ingenious 24-year-old Dutchman has developed a method to fish plastic out of the Pacific Ocean. This will make a huge island of trash disappear from the ocean.

A huge island of garbage

In the Pacific Ocean, between California and Hawaii, drifts a huge island of garbage. It was discovered back in 1997 by Charles Moore. American scientists estimate that the huge island of garbage may currently weigh as much as 129 thousand tons. It is as much as about 86 thousand passenger cars. The island is five times bigger than Poland.

A threat to the ecosystem

The great island of garbage looks terrible and is a huge threat to the ecosystem. Only because of it about a million birds and 100 thousand marine mammals die every year.

The garbage will disappear thanks to the Ocean Cleanup Foundation

In 2013, Dutchman Boyan Slat founded the Ocean Cleanup Foundation, which raises money to clean up the Pacific Ocean. Tens of millions of dollars have already been raised for the cause. In 2019, 60 bags of plastic waste were fished out of the Pacific Ocean and recycled thanks to the foundation’s efforts.

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